Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What's the evolutionary advantage of sparse body hair?

My girlfriend is Asian and she has thick head hair but thin body hair. Her body hair is baby hair thin.

I know there's an evolutionary advantage for thick body hair (protection, pheromones), but is there one for the lack of thick body hair?

What's the evolutionary advantage of sparse body hair?

It's easier to keep cool and clean due to man made shelter we don't need it to protect us from the elements as much.

What's the evolutionary advantage of sparse body hair?

The lack of thick body hair was through something that had to do with it just being a sexual selection. I.e. male peacocks have to have beautiful and healthy feathers to attreact a mate because for one it shows the male is healthy and can provide better offspring. =x it's been a while since biology sorry if I was vague.

What's the evolutionary advantage of sparse body hair?

asians live in warmer climates, so they lost the body hair because they didn't need it to keep warm.

for protection against the sun, pigments worked better.

What's the evolutionary advantage of sparse body hair?

As man evolved and hair began to thin, man was pushed harder to explore his environment in oder to solve the problems that result from thinning hair. Man had to discover ways to cloth himself, build shelters rather than rely on caves and groves of trees. This would have prompted him to create tools, and methods of building. Although any domecil may be rudimentary by todays standards, man was intelligent and resourceful enough that his species survived and became this world's ultimate predator.

My theory is based in observation. No other species's evolution has been significant enough to challenge man as the king of the beasts; resulting in larger and ever increasingly successful societies. Unfortunately, we haven't identified any other species who has evolved at the same rate or better during the same paleologic time period.

Can you think of a single species that has adapted and evolved on the same scale as man?

What's the evolutionary advantage of sparse body hair?

well we look better nekked!..lol

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