Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

my hair is so frizzy at the ends!!! it's like way past split ends!im a swimmer so does mthat have any thing to do with it?its so hard to brush thru!!!any ideas how to fix that?


i've been wearing a part in the same spot of my hair 4 a long time. now it won't go back! y is that and how can i fix it?


for the past 2 years i have been wearing my hair in a pony tail, i dont want to as much for this school year. but i hate it alldown! i have very fine and thin hair, and im growing my bangs out any ideas what i can do? send websites with picures on em i u want!

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Your hair is frizzy and tangly and split because you arent taking good care of it. Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of split ends is to cut them off.. so part with what you can right away, and then cut 1/2 inch a month off until it looks healthy again.

In the mean time:

Buy a clarifying shampoo to keep the chlorine from building up. The first time, put it in and leave it for 10 min.. and rinse.. then use it every time you go swimming.

Buy a good moisturizing conditioner and use it every time you use the clarifying shampoo to add moisture back into your hair.

Buy a good shampoo made for fine thin hair. This will help you maintain your hair.

Buy a good spray on leave in conditioner. They are very light and will keep your hair moisturized. They are also nice because you can spray them into your dry hair to make it easier to comb. Rinse out conditioners are generally too heavy for fine hair.

Are you trying to brush your hair out when it's wet? This is a very bad idea, it will cause it to break even more, as will pulling it up when it is wet. When its wet comb it with a very wide tooth comb after spraying in the conditioner. Wait till its dry to brush.

To fix your part problem, part your hair in a different spot, bobby pin it down, hairspray it, and keep it that way all night while you sleep. Keep moving the part.. this will keep it from wanting to part so strongly in one spot over time.

Have your hairstylist blend in your bangs with very light face framing in the front. Also, fine hair looks better shorter (shoulder length or above). the shorter it is the thicker it looks.

Buy professional products. Store products run the risk of leaving a waxy build up or stripping your hair.. both will worsten your problem over time

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Try neutrogena triple moisture. It repairs damaged hair.

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Hello. I bought maxi glide by maxius(straightening) I also bought beyond straight for humidity and I buy Biosilk(silk therapy)smells great and is great for frizz. Trust me it will work and you'll be so happy.

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

you have dammaged your hair it seems by chlorine and water all the time, get your hair cut. its hard to change a part, you need to have your hair styled in some way that suits your face and activity level. the hair dresser will have lots of pictures and suggestions. its best to use a professional when your hair is this dammaged, they will also give you clues of what to do to help keep from having so much dammage.

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

you probably have frizzy/split-endish hair because of all the chlorine in the pool. that's a real hair killer haha.

as for the wearing part, i always wear my hair up and i have a crease in the center hahaa. which is unfortunate but use a straightner (which i don't recommend because your hair already seems damaged) or let dry down.

maybe you can layer your hair a little more so it has more dimension? i don't know

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

U need 2 trim ur hair it's damaged..go 2 the hair dressers and get it cut and treated..u should b trimming ur hair ever 6-8 weeks..and u shouldn't have ur hair the same way..u have 2 change it up..u're forehead will start at the back of ur neck by the time ur 60-- so..ya OH YA wear a cap or something when u go into the water...and if u don't..u have 2 wash ur hair immediatley after -

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

for frizz try garnier and for the part when your hair is wet blow dry the part where you want it

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Try getting a hair cut, but just trim it if it is only frizzy on the end.

My sister is a swimmer, and she doesn't have that type of problem. So I don't think it is the chlorine...

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Go to a beautician she would be able to help you how ever u should use oil for ur hairs

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Chlorine is VERY hard on your hair. You need to take care of it! Here's a link that should help you...

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Try Biosilk Silk Therapy you can get it at most hair dressers. as for the part. its going to take some training for your hair to learn to go a different way just keep doing it over and over, it should get the hint after a while.

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Home Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

Best Hair Loss Treatment - A Lot Of Options

Vitamins for hair growth

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Swimmer eh? My best advice for keeping your hair away from chlorine is that swimmers hat. As for the frizzy ends, condition and straighten em! That way you can have shiny, straight hair for school this year. It'll be much easier to brush your hair too if it's straight.

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

hey if u go to the store and use this p it will helpwash your hair with it okay its called miracle its in a box okay its a brown box but any way its called miracle okay it will help while u if u comb it out while your washing your hair

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

Hey-dont freak-first of all cut it way short-not "Boy" short but shorter take like 3 inches off-and dont worry it will grow back b4 school!A stylish new hairdo can do wonders for one's self-esteem. Conversely, a poorly shorn or styled head can make even confident, self-assured people feel sheepish. While it might take Sigmund Freud to explain the reasons for this, these remedies may restore your lovely locks--and perhaps your self-esteem. Bad haircut


1. Do not attempt to fix it yourself.

2. Return to the salon or barbershop and demand a new haircut by a different stylist or barber free of charge.

3. Or go to a reputable salon, explain your dilemma and request a remedial haircut.

4. Or consider using a wig, hair extensions or hair additions while you wait for the haircut to grow out.

Bad hair day


1. Wet down hair with warm water, add styling mousse or gel, then restyle.

2. If restyling is not an option, cover hair with a hat or scarf.

3. Opt for the slicked-back look if a hat or scarf is unsuitable. Wet hair, add gel or mousse, pull hair into a ponytail. Allow to air-dry.

Bad dye job


1. If hair is undercolored because you panicked and rinsed too early, reapply dye and leave on for time required minus time you already had it on.

2. If you chose the wrong color or overcolored your hair, consider using a color-removal product, available at salons and beauty supply stores.

3. Understand that hair-coloring professionals recommend visiting a reputable salon that specializes in hair coloring to correct bad dye jobs.

Botched perm


1. If your home perm did not take, wait three days before you visit a salon to have a professional stylist perm your hair.

2. If the perm is overdone, apply a deep conditioner to hair from scalp to the ends. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse and set hair in large curlers. If that doesn't fix it, have a professional stylist relax your overpermed hair.

Chlorine-green hair


1. Use a hair product designed to remove green from hair, available at salons, beauty supply stores and drugstores.

2. For swimming, apply leave-in conditioner to hair and wear a swim cap to prevent further greening.

3. Shampoo and rinse hair immediately after swimming.

4. Monitor and reduce copper levels in pool water, which cause greening.

5. If hair is dyed or permed and turns green, visit a reputable salon to have it corrected.



1. Wash hair with an over-the-counter shampoo designed to fight dandruff. Switch brands if shampoo becomes ineffective after several weeks of use.

2. Consult a dermatologist in extreme cases.

Gum in hair


1. Rub peanut butter into hair and around gum and slowly work gum out of hair. Oil counters gum's stickiness. Shampoo thoroughly afterward. Mayonnaise and butter also work, but not as well as peanut butter.

Hair loss


1. Understand that there is little one can do to prevent hair loss if it's hereditary.

2. Use hair products for sensitive hair to avoid unnecessary wear and tear.

3. Visit a dermatologist to learn about cosmetic options, including toupees, weaves and transplants.

4. Remember that stress, lack of protein, medication, hormones, pregnancy, disease and poor hair hygiene contribute to hair loss.

5. Be wary of products claiming to stop hair loss; results vary widely.

6. Sudden, smooth, round bald spots on scalp or beard are called alopecia areata. Wait for them to disappear (usually 6 to 12 months) or visit a dermatologist for treatment.

Head lice


1. Cover your work area with towels to prevent contamination of upholstery or carpets.

2. Working under bright light, partition hair into sections and comb through hair with a fine-tooth comb (ideally a lice comb, available at drugstores). Remove lice (reddish-brown) and nits (white or clear) as you comb. Use mayonnaise to smother lice and nits while you comb. Repeat combings for two weeks.

3. Boil the comb after you use it to sanitize it for future use.

4. Wash towels, sheets, pillowcases, hats and other contaminated clothing in the washer with hot water. Use a hot setting to dry the items in the dryer. Vacuum contaminated fabric, upholstery or carpeting.

5. Use an anti-lice shampoo if you prefer, but remember that these products contain pesticides. Consult your doctor before using anti-lice products if you are pregnant, allergic or have pre-existing medical conditions. Avoid treatments containing lindane, which has caused neurological damage in children.

Tips from eHow Users:

No blonde and chlorine by eHow Friend

My hair is blonde, and I got a perm done at my house. When I went in the pool too often, the chlorine turned it green. I had to go to the salon and have it bleached and colored again. It cost almost $125. So, never do this.

Thanks. Your vote has been counted.Rate this tip:

Experience hair dresser by eHow Friend

I had long, beautiful, red hair with split ends. So when I went to get my hair cut, I decided I was bored with the long hair so I decided I wanted chunky layers. Well I decided to go to a regular hair cut joint, not my usual trusted salon; big mistake.

There was a new hair dresser there and I tried to explain what I wanted the layers to look like (long and lovely). She said, "Oh, I understand." She didn't.

She took the scissors and literally gave me a bowl cut all the way around. When I looked I was secretly crying inside thinking "What did she do?!" I didn't say anything until I got home and started cursing, looking in the mirror, at my awful hack job.

Now, it's been slightly fixed by my regular salon, who noticed the awful and unevenness.

So, my tip is: don't settle for a cheap hair dresser at last minute, find an experienced one who knows what he/she is doing. And make sure you explain the style you want through pictures and description. Be clear and precise with your explanation of style! Best of luck with your hair.


Split Ends: Ways To Take Back Control of Your Hair

All the conditioner in the world won't get rid of split ends. So what will help?

When the ends of your hair begin to look like hundreds of miniature tuning forks-each strand split in two-chances are it has been damaged by exposure to the sun, the cold, dry temperatures, hair coloring, chemical relaxers, or permanent waves.

If you have split ends, your first inclination may be to pile on the conditioner. But that's a waste of time.

All the conditioner in the world won't get rid of split ends, says Amy Everett, stylist at the Joseph Michael Salon in Chicago. The best-and only-solution is to get your hair trimmed.

Hair is a lot like a shrub, says hairstylist David Ramon, co-owner of David Gavin Salons in New York City. If you don't keep cutting it, it splits, and the essential proteins and acids leach out. Cutting it regularly seals the hair shaft, and the hair grows thicker.

The moral of the story: Get your hair trimmed 1/2 to 1 inch every 6 weeks, whether it looks like it needs it or not, says Ramon.

If you hair tends to split easily, try these end-saving strategies.

Don't roughly towel-dry your hair after swimming or shampooing. Friction can cause ends to split. Instead, wrap a towel around your head and leave it there for a few minutes to absorb the moisture.

Wait till your hair is mostly dry before you brush or curl it. Hair is most susceptible to damage when it's wet.

Undo your ponytail. If you usually wear your hair tied back or in a ponytail, leave it down a few hours a day to take strain off your hair. And never sleep with any type of hair accessories, like clips or rollers.

Try an egg shampoo. Rub an egg yolk into your hair, let it coagulate, then rinse it out and shampoo. Protein in the yolk helps your hair, which is also a protein, says Ramon.

Revitalize your hair with vitamins. Taking 1,000 micrograms of biotin (a B vitamin) three times a day for at least 4 to 5 months can promote healthy hair growth, says Diana Bihova, M.D., a dermatologist in New York city and author of Beauty from the Inside Out.


Using any amount of hot air will cause your hair to dry out. Dry weather and blow drying will strip the hair of its moisture. Shampooing frequently and swimming in chlorinated pools will lead to dry hair and split ends. Hair dyes, electric curlers and permanents cause hair to dry out and have split ends.

To avoid split ends, follow the following tips and keep your hair glossy:

閳?Use mayonnaise: Use a dollop of mayonnaise on the palm of the hand and massage it to the head and leave it on for five minutes before having the bath. The recommended time for the mayonnaise treatment is an hour.

閳?Spray the beer: If you do not get any respite from using the mayonnaise, you can use beer as a good setting lotion that gives your hair the crisp, healthy and shiny look. You can pour some beer into an empty pump bottle and spray on the hair after shampooing and towel dry. Then you can style or blow-dry the hair.

閳?Shampoo minimally: Though it has become fashionable to shampoo daily, it is not advisable to do so. Shampoo strips the hair of its natural oils and thus gives it a dry, limp appearance. Alternatively, choose a shampoo for dry, damaged hair.

閳?Condition your hair: Dry hair can be benefited greatly by the use of conditioners after shampooing. The outer layers of the hair or cuticles peel away the shaft, resulting in split ends. Conditioner glues these cuticles back to the shaft and lubricates them. It also prevents static electricity, thus preventing its frizzy appearance.

閳?Avoid heat: Heat appliances like blow-dryers, electric irons and curlers damage the hair. Instead of blow-drying the hair, you can pat dry with a towel. Replace electric curlers with unheated plastic rollers that were used in a bygone era. Straighten the hair by wrapping the slightly damp hair around the cold rollers and leave them on for about ten minutes. To curl the hair or to give them a wavy appearance, use sponge rollers overnight or sleep with moist braids.

閳?Cover your head: Wearing a hat during windy days is the safest way to protect the hair from drying out. This way, you will also protect your hair from drying out by the sun.

閳?Cut off the split ends: Every six weeks or so, try cutting off the split ends to keep them under control.

Article Source:

Sharon Hopkins has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites, which can be your guide to all the questions you have about the usefulness of home cure. Home Remedies for dry hair can give you back the bouncy appearance.


Well, the first recommendation I have is to be sure that you are using the gentlest shampoo possible since you wash your hair more often than normal and to be sure you aren閳ユ獩 washing the hair more often than necessary. Even after swimming in chlorinated pools, you should be able to simply rinse the hair with (non-pool) water and apply conditioner to help restore the pH balance to the hair. Remember, that unless your hair is very oily, or you tend to expose your hair to soils and contaminants on a daily basis, you don閳ユ獩 have to shampoo every day. You should, however, condition the hair daily, and in your case, after swimming. Virtually any of the hair conditioning products in your local market will work, look for products that specify moisturizing ingredients and/or fruit acids and oils. These are great for restoring the hair閳ユ獨 pH balance.

I also recommend that you use a swimming cap if you don閳ユ獩 already. If you do, then try using petroleum jelly in a thin layer along the edges of the cap, to help make a more waterproof seal. You may also want to consider applying conditioner to your hair before putting it up under the cap. This will help protect the hair from the chlorinated water should any get beneath your cap.

Using these tips should help resolve the likely sources of the problem. Now, in order to treat the hair as it currently is: Take the conditioner you selected for your regular use and apply it to damp hair, comb it through the hair and cover the hair with a plastic cap and heat it using hot towels or a hair dryer for 20 minutes. The heat will allow the conditioner to penetrate more deeply into the hair and will help restore the hair to a more healthy-looking state.

The best way to treat the split ends is to have your hair trimmed. Be sure to explain to the stylist that you only want the split ends removed, so as to avoid having your hair cut shorter than necessary. Ask the stylist to show you how much hair he/she feels will have to be removed before any cutting is done. You can use anti-frizz serums to help hold the ends together, but I閳ユ獡 afraid that nothing will truly 閳ユ笧epair閳?the split ends, and you risk having them worsen if you don閳ユ獩 trim them.


You have a more oval shaped head so when your hair is long and stright down your head turns into a tiny little line!NOT GOOD-And whats all this about trying to grow out your bangs??Also not a good idea for your shape!My shape is more of a heart so i did to make my face look narrower-yours does not!I also find it unbarible to have my hair UP or Down so i must do a half in the back!Your hair looks great and i really dont think you should change THAT!Maby try changing your makup,use different colors to make your face larger!Maby try curls?Curls down in the back would look nice,mayB grow your hair very long and curl it in the back to make beautifull locks of golden sunshine hair!Your hair really is fine the way it is,just Be yourself and keep your hair!

Good luck hope this helps,You can e-mail me any time!Im me too!LOL-BYE!P.S. Stay true to yourself and everything will work out!

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

first, go to the salon and have all the damaged hair cut off... and after that, every time you go to the pool, first saturate your hair with water, then add a hair serum (focusing on the ends) and then put on your swimming cap (if you wear one)... this will help prevent further damage..

when growing out your bangs, a layered and angled look will help blend that in..

with this hairstyle you can either add a little gel or hairspray and scrunch it up for a messy look or straighten it...

hope this helps!

Hair questions!?!?!?!?!?!?

When hair becomes dry or damaged, the hair shaft splits at the end. Here's how you can keep those unsightly splits from spoiling the looks of your locks.


1. Keep brushing to a minimum since it promotes breakage. Brushing wet hair is a definite no-no; use a wide-toothed comb when hair is wet.

2. Strive for low-maintenance hair. Hair dryers, curling irons, perms and hair colors all damage hair. If you must blow-dry, use a cool setting and keep the dryer 6 inches (15 cm) from your hair.

3. Protect your hair from extreme weather. Wear a hat on sunny days and keep hair well moisturized in the dry winter months.

4. Apply a leave-in conditioner or pomade to the ends of your hair daily to keep them strong.

5. Snip away any split ends you spot. Cut at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) above the split. A split end will split the hair all the way up to the scalp, so snip it as soon as you spot it.

6. Schedule a trim with your hairstylist if you start seeing a lot of split ends.

Overall Tips:

Ask your stylist to recommend thermal protection products.

Overall Warnings:

Be wary of promises from the makers of products for split ends. These bind the hair shaft temporarily. The only real cure is a haircut.

Tips from eHow Users:

Prevention of split ends by DENISE K.

Once your hair has grown out of the skin, it is like the free edge of your nails - dead! You can prevent the look of split ends with hair products, but once they are there, the only way to get save your hair is to cut them off. Do not follow the brush when dry, and comb when wet rule.

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