Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can i scrunch my hair?

I have thin hair and I don't know if it will go well. Please help me!!!

How can i scrunch my hair?

I have thin hair myself. I use Aussie Scrunch Spray. It comes in a purple bottle. All I do is spray is all over my hair, and scrunch my hair with my hands. I flip my hair upside down and blow dry on my hair on low, while scrunching with my other hand.

How can i scrunch my hair?

Brush ur hair out really good then spray hairspray on ur hair and scrunch your hair in your hands.Then apply one more mist of hairspray.Good luck by the way.

How can i scrunch my hair?

looks like maybe u have a little natural curl cool so when ur hair is damp u need to spray it with a good spray then take your hands n swish your hair by the handfuls keep doing this this is what gives u the scrunched look goodluck sandy stylist here

How can i scrunch my hair?

It is simple really, all you need to do is buy a good mouse for your hair type. The same with your shampoo and conditioner. You need to be patient and take your time in trying this out for first time. After that, it should only take you about 5 minutes after showering. There are a number of very good products out there, try going to a chemist warehouse to get your products at a cheaper price.

How can i scrunch my hair?

Sorry, I'm not much help. I can think of a lot of ways to scrunch your hair but the thought police (Community Guidelines) would come get me, lol.

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